You are here: 7. Mobile Applications > 7.5. Paperless Stocktake > 7.5.2. Mobile Stocktake - Overview of Procedures

Mobile Stocktake - Overview of Procedures


Pre-stocktake (Administration staff)
  1. Divide the warehouse into separate areas, either by item / bin / category, etc. Assign stocktake team members to these areas for "pre-count" and "actual count".
  2. Ensure that there are no other stocktake batches within Micronet, as they will conflict with PDA created batches that need to update existing batches.
  3. Create the stocktake batches grouped by item / bin location / category, etc. in Micronet. The method should be "Overwrite SOH with Stocktake count". Specify the range, CREATE ITEMS, ZERO SOH, and post these to "Paperless".
  4. These "paperless" stocktake batches now need to be allocated to particular PDAs. You do this by using the Warehouse Scheduler in Micronet (refer to "Warehouse Scheduler - Stocktakes").
  5. Create the "blue" Item Not Found sheets for Shelf. These sheets will contain the item number / description / bin location / quantity / counter's initials. It is suggested that each "blue" Item Not Found sheet be individually numbered to ensure all sheets are accounted for at the time of entering these items into the system.
  6. Create the "pink" Item Not Entered sheet for Bulk. These sheets are the same as the blue sheets but are "pink" and used for items not entered in Bulk.


Pre-stocktake (Stocktake staff)
  1. Bulk count because bulk stock is unlikely to change during the timeframe leading up to the stocktake. It may be of benefit to clearly mark on each pallet the item code and quantity count so that they can be quickly added on the day of the stocktake.
  2. Start a pre-count. You may find it useful to start counting items weeks before your "actual" stocktake. This is typically done by placing a sticker or tagging items with their count. When somebody alters the quantity of the item, the sticker or tag is either updated or removed. This process will speed up the time taken on the actual stocktake day.


Stocktake day (Shelf stock)
  1. Download a stocktake batch to the PDA.
  2. Start at the first item shown on the PDA and work your way through, or use the "range" shown on the PDA and work your way through.
  3. If an item is found which is not on the stocktake batch, fill out the details on the "blue" sheet.
  4. Once finished, post the batch and repeat the process until no more PDA batches exist.


Stocktake day (Bulk stock)
  1. Create a stocktake batch on the PDA .
  2. Enter a meaningful description, e.g. "Bulk for Location A".
  3. Start at the beginning of Location A, working your way through to the end.
  4. Enter the item and quantity counted created in the previous "Pre-count" steps onto the PDA.
  5. If you come across an item number that is not recognised on the PDA, or details can't be interpreted, fill out the "pink" sheet.
  6. Once the range is completed, post the created stocktake.


Stocktake day (blue sheet)
  1. Use the process as creating a batch for Bulk, but input the data on the blue sheets.
  2. Once completed, post the batch to Micronet.


Stocktake day (pink sheet)
  1. Once these incorrect items have been fixed, use the same process as creating a batch for Bulk, but input the data on the pink sheets.
  2. Once completed, post the created to Micronet.


Post count (Administration staff)
  1. Print out all the created batches to hard copy for future reference.



  1. Ensure that all stocktake batches are posted back to Micronet by checking the Warehouse Scheduler.
  2. Post all created batches to existing batches



Any items on these created batches that can't be found in existing batches will be converted to a new batch to be recalled and posted later.

  1. Recall all remaining stocktake batches and print variances .



If required, re-count stock and enter new quantities.

  1. Once you are happy with your quantities, post the stocktake batch.